Somatics is the practice, knowledge and art of conscious perception, exploration and application of the sensing and sensed body. Katja Münker
I would like to emphasise again and again that for me it is not about a utopian, escapist tranquility and 'harmony' or a recipe for better enduring the world's misery, but that this tranquility and stillness makes us more responsive, more active, more successful and, above all, more alert to reacting to connections and recognising connections in general.
Elsa Gindler 1931
Classes Workshops Individual Sessions
Organic learning is lively and takes place when one is in a good mood and works at short intervals!
(Moshe Feldenkrais The elusive Obvious)
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Environmental Somatics Training
The aim of the training is to use body and perception processes in caring for our relationship to the world and shaping of our living environments and to incorporate this knowledge into our responsibility for the common good.
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Based on somatics, improvisation, choreography and artistic research, I develop aesthetic formats for body-oriented performances - indoors and outdoors.
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